Detektor kovů Garrett GTI 2500 Eagle Eye
For those who searching solution how to find big treasures buried deep under the ground and cant afford more expensive variation ATX, here is combination which can help you. GTI 2500 and coil Eagle Eye can find treasures up to 3 metres, but only if item is huge. Detector working in All-metal mode without discrimination. This coil is not suitable for small items, but GTI 2500 including normal coil which is more than enough for normal searching. its two in one!!
Contents of the set:
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The Graphic Target Imaging (GTI) 2500 is the highest performing metal detector you can own. Over 40 years of technology, testing and design went into Charles Garrett´s best !
set obsahuje 1 ks
Depth probe (2 boxes) with supplying and interconnecting cabel and 7 PIN connector